One of the most significant parts of any home is its roof. A roof does a lot more than just serving the most basic practical purpose of protecting a house and its occupants from the outside elements. For instance, a roof’s shape plays a major role in defining the overall look and style of a house. Roofs can also provide additional living space, as well as make your home more resilient, energy efficient, and weather-proof.
This definitive guide to roof architecture and styles will help you understand and identify the best roof shape for your home.
Basically there are four basic roof styles:
1) Flat Roof
As the name suggests, flat roofs appear to be completely flat with no pitch. However, they do have a slight pitch to allow for water run-off and drainage.

Provides space for an outdoor garden or patio
HVAC units can be placed on top of the roof to keep them well hidden
Makes adding solar panels very convenient
Highly susceptible to leaks as water may often pool on top of them
Require ongoing maintenance, which can be expensive to keep up with
Frequent inspections are needed to detect leaks and repair them before major damage occurs
2) Shed Roof

Shed roof has a single slope to its roof surface. It is like as one half of a triangular roof or you can say it as a flat roof that has been inclined slightly. It is often used on just a portion of the home. One modern architectural option is to use shed roofing on a multi-level home to create unique shapes and patterns for the home’s exterior.
Shed roofs make it possible to cover porches and patios without reconfiguring a roof’s design.
Require very few building materials
Can be constructed even by those with little building experience
Their simple appearance can detract from some homes
Drainage problems may occur if the roof does not contain the proper slope
Getting overhead utility lines through a shed roof is sometimes challenging
3) Gable Roof

A gable roof is perhaps the most common and consists of two slopes that meet at a common ridge at the top to form an upside down “v”. Gable roofs are often placed on ranch or cottage style homes as well as on modular housing.
Provide more overhead space inside attics
Their simple design makes them very inexpensive to build
Shed water easily to prevent leaks from occurring
More susceptible than other roof types to wind damage
Require additional vents for proper ventilation
May not be as aesthetically pleasing on historic or vintage-style homes
4) Hip Roof

A hip roof is one that contains a slope on all four sides that meets at a common ridge at the top. Think of a hip roof as being two separate gable roofs on a single structure. Hip roofs are often found on homes with wraparound porches, as well as traditional farmhouses and multi-story structures.
Very stable, making them perfect for high wind areas
Snow slides off easily, and is therefore unlikely to build up on top of the roof
Their aesthetic design makes hip roofs a good choice on nearly any style home
Construction requires the use of more building materials
More prone to leaking, especially when dormers are added
Hip roofs are sometimes challenging to ventilate, and may require more vents than other types.
When choosing a roof, take these important factors into consideration and choose the roof that suits your dream home.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mobile/WhatsApp No: +91 9963-277-542
Address 1: Flat No.302, 1st Floor, Sree Homes, Plot No.51, M.B.Society, Hitech City Main Rd, Hyderabad, Telangana 500084.
Address 2: Regus Pune Metropolitan Business Centre Pvt Ltd, Baner, Pune 411045
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